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Seventh Generation Bathroom Tissue - 2 ply 500 sheet roll

Seventh Generation Bathroom Tissue - 2 ply 500 sheet roll

Saves Natural Resources Reduces Pollution? 100% Recycled Paper? Hypo-Allergenic? Whitened without Chlorine BleachWhite Unscented No Dyes In our every deliberation we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations. -From The...

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Saves Natural Resources Reduces Pollution? 100% Recycled Paper? Hypo-Allergenic? Whitened without Chlorine BleachWhite Unscented No Dyes In our every deliberation we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations. -From The Great Law Of The Iroquois ConfederacyYou are making a difference.If every household in the U.S. replaced just one roll of 500 sheet virgin fiber bathroom tissue with 100% recycled ones we could save:? 423 900 trees? 1.0 million cubic feet of landfill space equal to 1 600 full garbage trucks? 153 million gallons of water a year s supply for 1 200 families of four Seventh Generation bathroom tissue is made from 100% recycled paper with a minimum of 80% post consumer matrl. Our paper is whitened with an environmentally safe process - never with chlorine blch. Your choice of our soft and absorbent bathroom tissue makes an important difference today and for the next seven generations.Safe for septic systems. Ideal for low-flow toilets.Free OfDyes and fragr